My philosophy of life differs so vastly from those of my peers and fellow humans that I often feel as if I'm a different species entirely. Again and again I find myself at the point of being able to identify far more variances than similarities with what seems to be the norm. It's as if the world has been sedated and placed within a giant glass cage like animals in a zoo. People race about from one place to the next performing tasks that they have to do. But all they are really doing is occupying the hamster wheel. Running and running in circles, turning the very gears on the clock that sweats off seconds never to be retrieved, turning the hands on the time that remains in what they call "life". Yet, never really grasping the concept of what life is about. Never recognizing the pointlessness in their complacency. And here I stand, on the outside looking in. Tapping on the glass and shouting for them to break free, but they don't care to hear me. I send my thoughts in the solitude of the streams and whisper my words into the whipping winds hoping that a heart beats quietly enough to receive them and a mind rests open enough to accept them. And to the wind I whisper, and from the mountaintops I shout, and from this place of pure emotion and selflessness and sureness I plead and urge and quietly hope, and from the outside looking in this is what I see, and all I ask is that you silence your mind, your ego, your identity, and just for a moment stop running and listen, listen to the breeze. And hear me.
From the outside I see that emotion is such a beautiful thing, yet one does everything in their power to conceal it, to not feel it and that strays beyond my realms of understanding. Why would one hide what makes them human? The human absolutes that crying is associated with weakness and ongoing happiness or an iron heart are signs of strength is so far from the truth it blows my mind. These thoughts must have been injected in the sedations that the population seems to have undergone. To truly feel something is what creates the moments that become memories despite the cause. If a moment real or fictional makes you cry, then cry. If you love someone, let them know. I don't understand why signs of affection are frowned upon. Since when does it make someone weak if they care deeply for another person? The power of love is so incredibly underestimated to the point that people no longer realize it's effect or care to make it known.
Over the years emotions like love and kindness and solemnity have been twisted and transformed into things that they are not. Kindness doesn't imply flirtation. These days if I talk to a peer I've never met, they assume I have ulterior motives that simply do not exist. It disappoints me that we live in a time where kindness is questioned and the inquiry for an honest friendship is more frequently turned down than given a chance. Furthermore, the expression of love is vanishing. I join those of you on the inside when it comes to this because there are a handful of people I would give my life for and many of them have no idea that I care so deeply, that I love them. I hate how "love" has become such a touchy word. There's a surprisingly common misconception that there is only one type of love, which is really quite far from the truth. I don't love the people I mentioned in in the romantic sense of the word; I love them in the sense that if it was my life or theirs, I would choose theirs. I fall in love with strangers without knowing their name or even exchanging a word because I recognize the beauty in humanity that they represent. It is okay to love. Love shouldn't be shameful. It should be expressed; it should be known.
In our culture, why is the picture on the left more readily acceptable than the picture on the right? Why is the expression of hate easier to stomach than the display of affection? I'm tapping on the glass and whispering to silence the hearts filled with hate and promote the expression of joy and kindness and sorrow but the sedated are too concerned with their reputation and self-image to care to notice.
If people realized how little we mean to the universe, perhaps they'd finally recognize how much we mean to one another. Perhaps they'd finally see how little power and wealth and status mean and how important experience and travel and the simple things are. There is so much beauty in the power of simplicity and an ounce of courage. Everyone dies, so I refuse to spend my life in fear. Death will not reign me while I'm here. If I must go, I want it to be while I'm doing something extraordinary, which is exactly how I intend on living my life. I refuse to back down from a challenge or shy away from something that lies outside of my comfort zone. I have big plans and I will never let the cons keep me from embarking. Comfort is a vice that I do not plan on letting rule my life. Why more people don't share this attitude is beyond me. We created this system, we have the power to live outside of it. It's meaningless. In the grand scheme of things, humanity doesn't matter. We make such a huge deal over nothing. We were placed on this planet to explore, implore, create, test the limits, break them and to fucking live. So many people are content with merely existing that they don't even know what it is to live. The difference between the two is rarely even recognized.
People have so much potential that they just throw away when they make the decision to just settle. So many incredible things could be created, so many dreams could be realized. The sedated are not only brainwashed, but enslaved and shackled to the system. I refuse to live within it but I am terrified at the thought of falling short of what I'm capable of. People expect big things from me and I intend on delivering. I want to do nothing less than change the world. Because in the end, that is a very minimal thing to do when the world itself is meaningless. I'm on the outside looking in, but the solitude provides great space for thinking, for creating, for observing. Such great variances between me and seemingly everyone I know gives me great advantages to rewrite the system I will never be content on living within.
I shout from mountaintops and whisper to the wind all these thoughts that have festered within and erupted uncontrollably like Pompeii itself. Fragments of words and disconnected ideas rain down accompanied by great darkness, but let these sentences of hot controversy and somewhat radical ideas shine bright as lava and help guide the way. My hope is that you have bought in to my philosophies and have been rewarded with a wealth of knowledge that is only exchangeable for your freedom. Step away from the hamster wheel, leave complacency in the past, tear off the gas mask, awake from sedation, join me and break free at last. Breaking free is merely the first step but Breaking Free is Key.
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